How to Earn Interest on Ethereum - The Complete Guide

How to Earn Interest on Ethereum - Actionable Guide

You don’t have to sell your cryptocurrency to grow your wealth. In this guide, we'll show you how to earn interest on your ETH holdings and make your crypto work for you. 

Can You Earn Interest on ETH?

Yes, you can earn interest on ETH. 

Crypto lending is a way to earn interest in-kind from cryptocurrencies such as ETH. You can earn passive income by lending your ETH, usually via a platform’s "savings" or "growth" accounts. 

Instead of leaving your crypto assets in your wallet, you lend them to borrowers who are willing to pay interest in exchange for using those assets.

Learn more about crypto lending in our Ultimate Guide.

How To Earn Interest on ETH

There are a number of ways to earn interest on ETH, each with its own benefits and risks. Let's take a closer look at the various ways of making your ETH work for you.

1. Savings accounts

Crypto lending platforms allow you to grow your ETH holdings by enabling you to lend your digital assets to borrowers via P2P platforms or CeFi lending platforms. In return, you receive interest payments. This lending model helps you to earn a passive income, while helping others in the cryptocurrency ecosystem obtain the assets they need. This is done via ETH savings accounts: a straightforward and secure way to earn interest on your holdings. These accounts function in a manner similar to traditional savings accounts, offering a predictable interest rate on your balance. It's a hassle-free way to watch your ETH grow, and is ideal for those who prefer a more cautious approach to crypto interest-bearing alternatives.

2. Staking

Staking involves actively participating in the validation processes of blockchain networks. By staking your ETH, you contribute to the security and functionality of the network. In return, you receive rewards, which may include additional ETH tokens. However, getting things up and running can be time consuming and complicated.

3. Yield Farming

Yield farming is a more complex method of earning interest on ETH. It involves providing liquidity to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols by lending your ETH and other assets. In return, you receive rewards, which can include interest, governance tokens, or other incentives. Yield farming can be lucrative, but it requires a deeper understanding of DeFi and a willingness to navigate its intricacies.

Saving vs. Staking: What’s Best For You?

  • Manual staking can be an arduous and complex process, especially when you’re getting started. In contrast, savings accounts are simple to set up and allow you to start earning interest from day one.
  • ETH developers have recently revealed plans to disincentivize users from locking up their assets to avoid the vast majority of ETH on the network being staked, as this would impair liquidity. There are plans to limit new validators and, potentially, reduce staking rewards in the future. There are no such plans for savings accounts.
  • Staking can promise higher potential rewards, but it also comes with a level of risk. If the network's value or security faces challenges, staked assets could be at risk. On the other hand, saving offers greater stability, but generally provides more modest returns.
  • Staking requires active participation as a validator, contributing to the network's security and consensus process. In contrast, saving is often a more passive form of generating interest, where you entrust your assets to a third party or platform.
  • Both saving and staking expose participants to the potential price fluctuations of the cryptocurrency market. The value of saved or staked assets can rise or fall with market dynamics, however saving allows you to withdraw your assets in a more flexible manner. 
  • Staking involves locking up your assets for a specific period as part of the network's security collateral. Savings accounts often offer more accessible liquidity, allowing you to access your funds when you want.

The Risks Associated With Earning Interest On ETH

When it comes to earning interest on ETH, it's important to be aware of the potential risks:

  • Bankruptcy Risk: Lending platforms or DeFi projects could go under, leading to the loss of your ETH.
  • Insurance Risk: Unlike traditional bank accounts, your ETH savings accounts may not be guaranteed or covered by any government deposit insurer or investor protection against losses anywhere in the world.
  • Interest Rate Risk: Cryptocurrency interest rates can be highly volatile, impacting your earnings.
  • Regulatory Risk: Cryptocurrency regulations are still evolving and may change, affecting the landscape.
  • Volatility Risk: ETH's price can fluctuate significantly, impacting the value of your holdings.

Is Earning Interest On Your ETH Worth The Risks?

For those willing to mitigate risks through knowledge and careful platform selection, earning interest on ETH can offer a valuable opportunity for financial growth and portfolio diversification. 

Related Content: How to Diversify Your Crypto Portfolio and Reduce Risk

However, it's not without risks, including market volatility and platform-related issues. 

Ultimately, the decision to engage in ETH interest-earning activities hinges on a combination of individual circumstances and risk tolerance.

The Best ETH Savings Account For Earning Interest

When it comes to securing your ETH and earning interest, Ledn's ETH Growth Account stands out. With industry-leading security measures and competitive interest rates, Ledn offers a reliable way to grow your ETH holdings while minimizing risks.

Ledn has simplified the process of earning interest, providing a faster and more convenient alternative to traditional staking. Here’s how that works.

1. Earn Interest Immediately

Ledn customers can effortlessly diversify their earnings without the complexities and manual steps associated with native ETH staking. By transferring ETH to their ETH Growth accounts, they can start earning interest immediately. This eliminates the need to endure month-long delays for staking and unstaking ETH.

2. Flexible

ETH's developers have recently expressed concerns about users locking up their assets for staking, potentially causing liquidity issues. Ledn's approach avoids these disincentives, ensuring that users have the flexibility to opt in and out of interest generation without being locked into a long-term commitment. 

3. Enhanced Safeguards

Ledn Growth account users have the peace of mind that their assets come with improved safeguards, regardless of the circumstances that may affect Ledn. Like all Ledn Growth accounts, ETH Growth accounts are ring-fenced to ensure users’ credit risk exposure is limited to the counterparties that generate that is paid. This means that an ETH Growth account is isolated from the risks of any other Ledn products or services. This control and security give users confidence in their financial choices, all while enjoying a seamless and frictionless experience.

Trading ETH vs Earning Interest

While trading ETH can lead to higher returns, it also comes with significantly higher risks compared to earning interest.

Trading ETH

Trading ETH involves buying and selling this cryptocurrency to profit from its price fluctuations. Traders closely monitor market trends, analyze charts, and make decisions based on short-term price movements. While trading offers the potential for higher returns, it also comes with higher risk due to the following factors:

  • 1. Market Volatility: ETH's price is known for its volatility. While this volatility can yield significant profits in the short term, it also exposes traders to the risk of substantial losses.
  • 2. Time-Intensive: Successful trading requires a deep understanding of market dynamics, technical analysis, and constant monitoring. It can be time-consuming and demands your full attention.
  • 3. Psychological Stress: The emotional toll of trading can be high. Price swings can lead to impulsive decisions, resulting in losses.
  • 4. Knowledge and Expertise: Effective trading requires a comprehensive understanding of technical and fundamental analysis, market sentiment, and its tax implications. 

Earning Interest on ETH:

Earning interest on ETH is a more passive approach. It involves lending or staking your ETH to receive interest payments or rewards. This method offers several advantages:

  • 1. Steady Income: Earning interest provides a consistent and steady income stream without the need for constant monitoring.
  • 2. Lower Risk: While not without risk, the risks are typically lower and more predictable than those associated with trading.
  • 3. Diversification: Earning interest allows you to diversify your crypto portfolio while holding your ETH assets, which can be beneficial for long-term financial planning.
  • 4. Alignment with Long-Term Goals: It's an excellent strategy if you’re seeking long-term growth and financial stability without the emotional rollercoaster of trading.

What Do I Have To Do To Start Earning Interest On My ETH?

To start earning interest on your ETH today, all you need to do is create a Ledn Growth Account, which takes just minutes. 


Earning interest on ETH is a way to make your crypto assets work for you. However, it's crucial to understand the associated risks. Choose a secure, reputable platform like Ledn, where you can start earning passive income today.


Sponsored by 21 Technologies Inc. and its affiliates (“Ledn”). All reviews and opinions expressed are based on my personal views.