Crypto Backed Mortgages - What You Need To Know

Crypto Backed Mortgages - What You Need To Know

This guide will give you an understanding of Crypto Backed Mortgages, what they are, how they work, their requirements, and the benefits and risks associated with them. We'll also explore how you can take out a Crypto Backed Mortgage.

What Is a Crypto Backed Mortgage?

A Crypto Backed Mortgage is a financial arrangement where cryptocurrency holdings, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, serve as collateral. Unlike traditional mortgages that depend on real estate or cash, crypto-backed mortgages offer an alternative path to property ownership.

To learn more about crypto lending, check out The Ultimate Guide To Crypto Lending - Everything You Need To Know.

How Do Crypto Mortgages Work?

How do Crypto Mortgages Work

Crypto Backed Mortgages work by using your cryptocurrency holdings to secure a loan.

Related Content: Can you buy a house with Bitcoin? 

There are a number of features that set Crypto Backed Mortgages apart from traditional mortgages.

Collateral Flexibility

In the traditional mortgage world, lenders typically require tangible assets like real estate to secure a loan. However, Crypto Backed Mortgages provide flexibility by allowing your cryptocurrency holdings to serve as collateral. This flexibility allows people to unlock the value of their digital assets without selling them.

Quick Access to Funds

Traditional mortgage processes often involve extensive paperwork, credit checks, and appraisal procedures, which can be time-consuming. In contrast, Crypto Backed Mortgages offer a quicker route to accessing funds. By pledging your cryptocurrency holdings, you can expedite the loan approval process.

Global Accessibility

Cryptocurrencies are borderless, and so are Crypto Backed Mortgages. You can secure a loan using your cryptocurrency holdings from anywhere in the world. This global accessibility opens up opportunities for international investors and individuals looking to diversify their real estate portfolio beyond their home country.

Lower Credit Score Dependency

Traditional mortgages heavily depend on credit scores to determine loan eligibility and interest rates. Crypto Backed Mortgages, on the other hand, can be more lenient. Since your cryptocurrency collateral reduces the lender's risk, individuals with less-than-perfect credit scores might find it easier to secure financing.

Reduced Intermediaries

Traditional mortgage processes often involve multiple intermediaries, such as banks, brokers, and title companies, which can increase transaction costs. Crypto Backed Mortgages streamline this process by reducing the number of intermediaries involved, potentially leading to cost savings.

Smart Contract Integration

Some Crypto Backed Mortgages utilize smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements with predefined terms and conditions. These contracts automate various aspects of the lending process, including collateral management and repayment. This can enhance transparency and efficiency.


Crypto Backed Mortgages often require borrowers to over-collateralize their loans. This means pledging more cryptocurrency than the loan's value. While this may seem counterintuitive, it can lead to lower interest rates and reduced risk for lenders, ultimately benefiting borrowers.

Read more: How to Borrow Against Crypto - Decoding Crypto Loans 

Different Types of Crypto-Backed Mortgage Products

Crypto Backed Mortgages come in various forms, each designed for specific financial needs. 

Secured Loans with Crypto Collateral

Secured loans with crypto collateral are a type of Crypto Backed Mortgage where you pledge your cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to secure a real estate loan. Your cryptocurrency serves as a guarantee to the lender that you will repay the loan. If you fail to meet your repayment obligations, the lender has the right to liquidate your cryptocurrency holdings to recover their funds. These loans typically provide borrowers with access to financing while allowing them to retain ownership of their digital assets.

Personal Loans with Cryptocurrency Holdings as Collateral

Unlike secured loans, these loans are not specifically tied to real estate transactions. Instead, borrowers use their cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to secure a personal loan for various purposes, such as debt consolidation, home improvement, or even travel. This type of loan offers flexibility in how you can use the funds obtained while still leveraging your digital assets as collateral.

Smart Contracts for Mortgage Payments Using Cryptocurrency Holdings as Collateral

Smart contracts refer to self-executing agreements that automate aspects of the lending and repayment process. When you use cryptocurrency holdings as collateral for a mortgage, smart contracts can be programmed to manage the collateral and loan repayment automatically. They ensure that if you fail to meet your repayment obligations, the collateral is automatically liquidated to cover the outstanding loan amount.

Stablecoin Mortgages

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to a specific asset or currency, such as the US dollar. In stablecoin mortgages, borrowers may use stablecoins to pay for their mortgage installments. This can provide stability in repayment amounts, as the value of stablecoins remains relatively constant compared to the volatility often associated with other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Stablecoin mortgages aim to reduce the risk of fluctuating cryptocurrency values affecting the ability to make mortgage payments.

Requirements For Obtaining a Crypto-Backed Mortgage Loan

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

If you take out a Crypto Backed Mortgage, you’ll still need to adhere to local laws and regulations governing cryptocurrency use and lending practices.

These include:

Cryptocurrency Regulations

Cryptocurrencies are subject to different degrees of regulation worldwide. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may encounter different legal frameworks related to cryptocurrency ownership, trading, and lending. Some countries have embraced cryptocurrencies, while others have imposed restrictions or bans.

Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Checks

Many lending platforms and financial institutions require borrowers to undergo KYC and AML verification processes. These procedures involve providing personal identification documents and verifying the source of your cryptocurrency holdings. This is to prevent illicit activities like money laundering and fraud. 

Taxation and Reporting

Cryptocurrency transactions may have tax implications. Tax authorities in some countries are increasingly scrutinizing cryptocurrency-related activities. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may need to report cryptocurrency holdings and transactions for tax purposes. 

Smart Contract Agreements

Some Crypto Backed Mortgages operate through smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements with predefined terms and conditions. These contracts are programmed to ensure compliance with loan repayment schedules and collateral management.

Collateral Requirements

Cryptocurrency holdings serve as collateral for Crypto Backed Mortgages. Lenders often require borrowers to over-collateralize their loans, meaning they must pledge more cryptocurrency than the loan's value. This provides a safety net for the lender in case of cryptocurrency market fluctuations. 


To apply for a Crypto Backed Mortgage, borrowers sometimes need to provide documentation. This may include identification documents, proof of cryptocurrency ownership, and any additional information required by the lender. The documentation process aims to verify the borrower's identity, ownership of collateral, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Collateral Management

Lenders often use multi-signature wallets or other secure mechanisms to hold the cryptocurrency collateral. Smart contracts may also be used to automate collateral management. 

Loan Agreement

Borrowers enter into a loan agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the Crypto Backed Mortgage. This specifies details such as the loan amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, and consequences of default. It's important to thoroughly review and understand the terms of the agreement before proceeding.

Credit Score Requirements for Obtaining a Loan

Credit scores play a significant role in the lending industry, influencing loan approvals, interest rates, and borrowing terms. When it comes to Crypto Backed Mortgages, credit scores are still relevant, although the criteria may differ from traditional loans.

What are Credit Scores?

Credit scores are numerical representations of a person’s or entity's creditworthiness. They are based on financial history, including factors such as past loans, repayment behavior, outstanding debts, and more. Lenders use credit scores to assess the risk associated with lending to a particular borrower. A higher credit score typically indicates a lower credit risk, while a lower score may signal a higher risk.  Some crypto lenders, like Ledn, don’t require credit scores as they focus on overcollateralized loans or mortgages.  This means that the collateral (e.g. crypto and/or real estate) is greater than the size of the loan or mortgage.  

Loan Approval and Interest Rates

In the traditional lending world, credit scores heavily influence loan approval decisions. Borrowers with high credit scores often get easier access to loans, lower interest rates, and more favorable borrowing terms. Borrowers with lower credit scores may face challenges in obtaining loans and might be subject to higher interest rates.

Crypto-Backed Mortgages and Credit Scores

Crypto Backed Mortgages may also consider creditworthiness. However, the criteria for credit score requirements can differ from traditional loans.


Some Crypto Backed Mortgage platforms may be more flexible in their credit score requirements. They may prioritize the value of the cryptocurrency collateral over the borrower's credit history.

Variation Across Platforms

Different lending platforms offering Crypto Backed Mortgages have different credit score requirements. Some platforms may place a stronger emphasis on credit scores, while others may focus on collateral and other factors. 


Over-collateralization is a common practice in Crypto Backed Mortgages. Borrowers  can pledge more cryptocurrency collateral than the loan amount to mitigate credit score concerns for lenders. The additional collateral provides a cushion against potential defaults.  It also reduces the importance of credit scores on the loan approval process. 

Credit Score Impact

Taking out a Crypto Backed Mortgage does not directly impact your credit score, as the loan is secured by collateral. However, failing to meet the loan repayment terms could result in collateral liquidation, which could indirectly affect your credit if not managed properly.

Minimum Amounts of Cryptocurrency Holdings Needed as Collateral

The amount of cryptocurrency required as collateral varies depending on factors such as the loan amount, the lending platform, and the value of the property being financed.

Let's explore some examples of the cryptocurrency collateral needed for crypto-backed loans at different property price points.

Property Price - $100,000

You are interested in purchasing a property valued at $100,000 using a Crypto Backed Mortgage. The lending platform you choose requires a collateralization ratio of 50%, meaning you must pledge cryptocurrency worth at least 50% of the property's value as collateral. In this case:

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = Property Price × Collateralization Ratio

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = $100,000 × 50%

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = $50,000

For this property priced at $100,000, you would need a minimum of $50,000 worth of cryptocurrency as collateral to secure the loan.

Property Price - $250,000

Now, let's consider a higher-priced property, valued at $250,000. The lending platform you opt for maintains a collateralization ratio of 60%. 

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = Property Price × Collateralization Ratio

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = $250,000 × 60%

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = $150,000

For this property valued at $250,000, you would need a minimum of $150,000 worth of cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to secure the loan.

Property Price - $500,000

You have your eye on a property with a price tag of $500,000. The lending platform's collateralization ratio is set at 40%.

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = Property Price × Collateralization Ratio

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = $500,000 × 40%

Minimum Cryptocurrency Collateral = $200,000

For this property valued at $500,000, you would need a minimum of $200,000 worth of cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to secure the loan.

The Benefits of Crypto Backed Mortgages

Crypto Backed Mortgages offer a number of advantages. 

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Crypto Backed Mortgages provide an opportunity for those who may face challenges accessing traditional mortgages. This includes people with limited credit history or non-traditional income sources. As long as borrowers have sufficient cryptocurrency holdings, they can access homeownership without traditional credit score constraints.

Speed and Efficiency

The lending process for Crypto Backed Mortgages is streamlined and efficient compared to traditional mortgages. With blockchain technology and smart contracts, loan approvals and disbursements can occur swiftly, reducing the lengthy paperwork and approval timelines associated with traditional mortgages.

Global Reach

Crypto Backed Mortgages are not confined by geographical borders. Borrowers from around the world can take one out.

Over-Collateralization Benefits

Some lending platforms require borrowers to over-collateralize their loans, pledging more cryptocurrency than the loan amount. While this may seem like an added requirement, it can result in lower interest rates and more favorable borrowing terms. 

Diversification of Assets

Using cryptocurrency holdings as collateral allows borrowers to retain ownership of their digital assets while accessing funds for property purchases. 

Transparency and Security

Blockchain technology, which underpins many Crypto Backed Mortgages, offers a high level of transparency and security. Transactions are recorded on an immutable ledger, reducing the potential for fraud or disputes.

Potential Tax Benefits

Depending on the jurisdiction, borrowers may find tax advantages when using cryptocurrency collateral. 

Financial Privacy

Cryptocurrency transactions provide a level of financial privacy that traditional financial systems may not offer. This can be appealing to borrowers who value discretion in their financial affairs.

Who Would Benefit From Crypto Backed Mortgages?

A range of  people and entities stand to gain from embracing crypto-backed mortgages. They include:

Crypto Enthusiasts

People deeply invested in cryptocurrencies often have large holdings. Crypto Backed Mortgages are a way to unlock the value of their cryptocurrency portfolio while retaining ownership. 

Alternative Credit Seekers

Borrowers with limited or non-traditional credit histories may find it challenging to secure traditional mortgages. Crypto Backed Mortgages provide an alternative pathway to homeownership, focusing more on the value of cryptocurrency collateral than traditional credit scores.

Global Investors

Crypto Backed Mortgages transcend geographical boundaries, enabling global investors to participate in property markets around the world. 

Early Crypto Adopters

Early adopters of cryptocurrencies who have witnessed significant appreciation in the value of their digital assets can use their crypto holdings to access funds for property purchases.

Privacy Advocates

People who prioritize financial privacy may be drawn to Crypto Backed Mortgages due to the relative anonymity offered by cryptocurrency transactions. While transactions are recorded on the blockchain, they typically do not reveal personal information.

Entrepreneurs and Startups

Business owners and startups in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space can benefit from Crypto Backed Mortgages for office space or expansion purposes. 

Risk Mitigators

Borrowers concerned about cryptocurrency price volatility can view Crypto Backed Mortgages as a risk mitigation strategy. By pledging cryptocurrency collateral, they can secure fixed-rate loans, reducing exposure to crypto market fluctuations.

The Risks Of Crypto Backed Mortgages

While Crypto Backed Mortgages offer many benefits, it's important to acknowledge the potential risks.

Cryptocurrency Volatility

Cryptocurrencies are inherently volatile. Crypto prices can experience rapid fluctuations, leading to significant changes in the value of the collateral. Borrowers may face margin calls or the need to add additional collateral if the cryptocurrency market experiences a downturn.

Liquidation Risk

In the event of a default on the loan, lenders have the right to liquidate the cryptocurrency collateral. This process can result in the loss of valuable digital assets, especially if the cryptocurrency's price drops substantially. 

Regulatory Uncertainty

The cryptocurrency and blockchain space is subject to evolving regulatory frameworks in various countries. Changes in regulations could impact the availability and terms of Crypto Backed Mortgages. 

Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

Crypto Backed Mortgages often rely on smart contracts to automate loan processes. However, smart contracts are not immune to vulnerabilities or bugs. A flaw in the contract's code could lead to unintended consequences, affecting the loan terms or collateral handling.

Over-Collateralization Requirements

While over-collateralization can lead to favorable borrowing terms, it also means that borrowers must pledge more cryptocurrency than the loan amount. This ties up a significant portion of their digital assets, limiting their ability to utilize those holdings for other investment opportunities.

Interest Rate Risks

Interest rates for Crypto Backed Mortgages can vary and may be influenced by factors within the cryptocurrency market. There is potential for interest rate changes during the loan term.

Market Liquidity

Liquidity concerns can arise when borrowers need to sell cryptocurrency holdings to cover margin calls or repay loans. In periods of low market liquidity, executing trades at favorable prices can be challenging.

Currency Exchange Risk

If the loan is denominated in a different currency from the borrower's cryptocurrency holdings, currency exchange rate fluctuations can impact repayment amounts and overall loan costs.

Platform Reliability

The reliability and security of the lending platform play a critical role in the safety of Crypto Backed Mortgages. Platform vulnerabilities or operational issues could lead to unexpected disruptions or losses.

Limited Borrower Protections

Borrowers in the cryptocurrency space have fewer protections compared to traditional financial systems. Dispute resolution and recourse mechanisms may differ, potentially leaving borrowers with limited avenues for redress in case of disputes.

Hacking and Security Risks

The risk of hacking and security breaches in the cryptocurrency space is ever-present. Borrowers must take measures to secure their cryptocurrency holdings and choose reputable lending platforms with robust security measures.

Where Can You Get a Crypto Backed Mortgage?

Ledn enables bitcoin holders to be allowed to borrow up to 100% of the cryptocurrency’s ongoing market value.

In 2021, it offered the first ever bitcoin-backed mortgage in Canada.

A borrower could opt to purchase a property of equal value of the amount of bitcoin being pledged as collateral. For example, with $1,000,000 in bitcoin, you could purchase property of $1,000,000 minus interest and fees (which are deducted upfront from the disbursement).

This year, it joined forces with crypto real estate broker Parallel to enable crypto holders to finance and acquire Cayman Islands properties using their digital assets

These customers seek to secure a "Golden Visa" and permanent residency in the British Overseas Territory without having to sell their cryptocurrency or exchange it for fiat.

Why Ledn?

Ledn was the first digital asset lending company to complete a Proof-of-Reserves attestation with a Certified Public Accountant. Since then, this procedure has been conducted every six months.

Bitcoin-backed loans are a fast, easy way to access dollars without selling your BTC. These can be used for a mortgage or anything you like.

All you need is the minimum $1,000 USD equivalent in BTC collateral and you are automatically approved without any further credit check required.

Unlike a standard BTC to dollar exchange, a loan from Ledn is normally not a taxable event, and interest expenses for the loan may even be tax deductible.

Bitcoin-backed loans are typically funded within 24 hours of approval. You can pay off your loans at any time without penalties. No monthly payments are required.

In addition, B2X loans combine a Ledn Bitcoin-backed loan and a BTC purchase, allowing you to increase your BTC. When the loan is repaid, both the collateral and the newly purchased BTC are returned to you. It's a quick and simple way to double your BTC balance.

Milo, Figur, and are other popular platforms offering Crypto Backed Mortgages.


Crypto Backed Mortgages open doors to homeownership with flexible collateral, swift access to funds, and global reach, all while accommodating diverse financial backgrounds.  Ready to get started? Explore Ledn’s loans today.


Sponsored by 21 Technologies Inc. and its affiliates (“Ledn”). All reviews and opinions expressed are based on my personal views.